The JW religion is all about being right and pointing out everyone else as being wrong. JWs make it seem like the smallest inaccurate belief about God or the bible makes you into a false worshiper doomed to destruction unless you get your facts correct.
The most innocent and irrelevant inaccurate beliefs of another religion are cited by the JWs as evidence that they are a false religion that cannot possibly have God's favor. And what do JWs think about the JW religion's own falsehoods? As far as they're concerned, the JW religion has no falsehoods. They just get increasingly clarified understandings of the truth. Besides, they're just imperfect men, right? Jehovah sees the heart. Like I said on another forum:
"Being a JW is like being a prisoner in a glass cell painted black so you can't clearly see that it's actually glass and, at the same time, being deceived into thinking that you're actually free and inside of a strong stone tower for your own protection and, at the same time, you're throwing stones through the bars of your cell at all other buildings outside which you imagine are made of glass."